John Peterson is ranked within the top 1% of agents on Oahu. In addition to being a REALTOR, he is a Certified Residential Specialist, International Previews Specialist and Vice President at Coldwell Pacific Properties. He has consistently ranked among Coldwell Bankers Top 1,000 sales associates worldwide.
John’s detailed knowledge of neighborhoods and properties will give you an understanding of the value your property has in this market. Committed to providing clients with the highest level of service and integrity, John strives to guide his clients through the real estate process smoothly. John has represented both Buyers and Sellers from vacant land purchases to exquisite estates.
Market Conditions, disclosures and legislation regarding real estate are important issues for both Buyers and Sellers. With a real estate professional representing you these issues are explained and understood, helping you make the decisions necessary in one of your biggest investments.
Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties is the leader of luxury home sales on Oahu and is dedicated to bringing the highest level of service and technology to today's home buyers and sellers. We strive to deliver real estate experiences beyond expectations to enhance our clients' lifestyles. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties is a premium service real estate company with more than 300 sales associates and support staff serving homebuyers and sellers throughout O'ahu. Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties is owned and operated by NRT Incorporated, the largest real estate broker in the world.